
Saturday, October 30, 2010


Coming from the root of king David,
through the line of Abraham who begot Isaac.

King David being a decendant of Isaac begot Solomon
who begot Robom. And Roboam begat Abia. St.Matt.1:12.

And Jacob begot St. Joseph, the husband of Mary of whom
was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

St. Joseph! The husband of Mary whom Jesus calls "Father".
The only created human beign whom with God the Father,

the second person of the Most Holy Trinity
our LORD Jesus Christ calls "Father".

A unique role he played in the generation he lived
and a unique role he still plays in our lives today
as a great mediator and intercessor.

St. Joseph who was espouded to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

A man of Love.
A capenter.
A skillful workman.

With devotion he loved her purity.
He kept her purity.

St. Joseph my holy model.
St. Joseph pray for me.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


It was a Sunday mornig and as usuall Angel, my elder brother’s wife would come to the house with her two lovely children Queen 3years n David 17months and we would all spend the day together.
It has always been the so and we loved to spend the Sunday together so on this particular Sunday Angel was telling my sister and I how she started to read the bible to her little ones before they go to bed and how the little ones loved it that they would be the ones to call their mother to read them the bible before they went to bed.
I encouraged her to continue with that wonderful act believing that some day those children will be the ones to read to their mother especially as they were bright and doing well in school.
Again I told them that Pope Leo XIII granted to the faithful who shall read for at least a quarter of an hour the books of the Sacred Scriptures with the veneration due to the Divine Word and as spiritual reading, an indulgence of 300 days.
Then came the question from my sister “What is an indungence” I explained to her the little I have read and have been taught about indulgence, its meaning and the conditions one can be in other to gain an indulgence, only the much I know I told them.
Again I realized how the average Catholic youth does not know or is ignorant of the treasury possessed by the Church which Jesus has granted to St. Peter so I went further to read about indulgence and what better place could I seek such information than the Catholic Encyclopedia
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, An indulgence is the extra-sacramental remission of the temporal punishment due, in God's justice, to sin that has been forgiven, which remission is granted by the Church in the exercise of the power of the keys, through the application of the superabundant merits of Christ and of the saints, and for some just and reasonable motive.
In granting an indulgence, the grantor (pope or bishop) does not offer his personal merits in lieu of what God demands from the sinner. He acts in his official capacity as having jurisdiction in the Church, from whose spiritual treasury he draws the means wherewith payment is to be made. The Church herself is not the absolute owner, but simply the administratrix, of the superabundant merits which that treasury contains. In applying them, she keeps in view both the design of God's mercy and the demands of God's justice. She therefore determines the amount of each concession, as well as the conditions which the penitent must fulfill if he would gain the indulgence.

Various kinds of indulgences
By a plenary indulgence is meant the remission of the entire temporal punishment due to sin so that no further expiation is required in Purgatory. A partial indulgence commutes only a certain portion of the penalty; and this portion is determined in accordance with the penitential discipline of the early Church.

Dispositions necessary to gain an indulgence
The mere fact that the Church proclaims an indulgence does not imply that it can be gained without effort on the part of the faithful. From what has been said above, it is clear that the recipient must be free from the guilt of mortal sin. Furthermore, for plenary indulgences, confession and Communion are usually required, while for partial indulgences, though confession is not obligatory, the formula corde saltem contrito, i.e. "at least with a contrite heart", is the customary prescription.

Authoritative teaching of the Church
The Council of Trent (Sess, XXV, 3-4, Dec., 1563) declared: "Since the power of granting indulgences has been given to the Church by Christ, and since the Church from the earliest times has made use of this Divinely given power, the holy synod teaches and ordains that the use of indulgences, as most salutary to Christians and as approved by the authority of the councils, shall be retained in the Church; and it further pronounces anathema against those who either declare that indulgences are useless or deny that the Church has the power to grant them (Enchridion, 989). It is therefore of faith (de fide)
• that the Church has received from Christ the power to grant indulgences, and
• that the use of indulgences is salutary for the faithful.

To read more on this topic Indulgence please visit

Forgive me Lord

Sunday, October 17, 2010

St. Mary of the Cross

Australia got its first Catholic saint Sunday, a feisty 19th-century nun who was briefly excommunicated when her colleagues exposed an abusive priest.

Mary MacKillop co-founded the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart in 1867, and gained a reputation as the first Australian nun to leave the cities and minister to the rural poor.

Nuns in her order got evidence that a priest was engaged in "scandalous behavior," according to the Rev. Paul Gardiner, who has spent decades researching MacKillop's life.

The nuns reported it to the Rev. Julian Woods, MacKillop's first spiritual mentor who co-founded the Sisters of St. Joseph.

Woods in turn reported the abuse to church authorities, resulting in the Rev. Ambrose Patrick Keating being sent back to Ireland from Kapunda, Australia.

But Keating's friends "were really upset with Father Woods and thought they could best get at him by getting at Mary," said Claire Larkin, the chair of the Mary MacKillop Centre in Penola, Australia.

"They told a lot of lies to the bishop," who excommunicated MacKillop and the entire order in 1871, she said.

Bishop James Quinn revoked the excommunication five months later, on his deathbed, the order says in its biography of Mary MacKillop.

But she still had to spend decades fighting local Catholic leaders for control of the order she founded.

"She was a charismatic entrepreneur," the Rev. Thomas Reese, author of "Inside the Vatican," told CNN. "She was a feminist before her time. She struggled in a male-dominated institution and got things done."

Her familiarity with church politics may have played a role in the instructions she issued to her nuns when women got the vote in Australia.

"It is the duty on us all to vote ... Get advice from some leading man in whom you have confidence or from the priest, but keep your voting secret," she wrote in 1903.

The order grew to include 300 nuns in Australia and New Zealand by 1891, its website says, and now has about 1,200 members.

She died in 1909 and was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1995.

The Catholic Church credits her with miraculously helping to cure a woman named Kathleen Evans of cancer.

She took to wearing a piece of MacKillop's clothing pinned to her nightgown and asked her family and friends to pray for MacKillop to intervene with God on her behalf.

Her cancer disappeared, Evans said in a statement.

Pope Benedict XVI recognized the cure as a miracle in December 2009, and announced two months later that MacKillop would be canonized.

He praised her "courageous and saintly example of zeal, perseverance and prayer" on Sunday in canonizing her as St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop.

Some 4,000 people attended an outdoor mass Sunday to celebrate the canonization in Penola, where she started her ministry in a disused stable.

"It's so exciting, we've had a marvellous day," Larkin said from Penola.

"It's been a long journey" to sainthood, she said. "Her dream started in a little country outback town, to think that she's gotten that recognition.

Friday, October 15, 2010

If Only Mary Were But Known

It is written everywhere from Genesis through Revelation. “The Morning Star”. The author of the Canticle of Canticles called titled her “My Dove” Sgs 6:8.
The book of revelation gave her the title “Ark of the Covenant” Rev 11:19.
At Pentecost, the powers in the merits of her prayers brought upon mankind the gifts of her beloved Spouse. Like thongs of fire, it stood upon their heads Acts 2:2. At the foot of the cross the sorrows of mankind she carried, there she was proclaimed the Mother of mankind.
“He came down to His own but His own did not Him”.

‘If only Mary were but known’.

Every day, the Holy Spirit tries to set the world to see the beacon of hope for mankind. The Gospel according to St. Luke gave an account of it all. The Virgin after being visited by the angel of the Lord set forth to visit her cousin in a distant land. This part of the story is quite interesting. Luke 2:41 ‘and it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.......43. And whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

At this time Mary had not told Elizabeth about her encounter with the angel but because Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit so it was revealed to her that the babe in the womb is the Lord.......

46. And Mary said: my soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call ne blessed.......
Does my generation call her blessed? That is the big question. I read the Bible daily but do I see and understand these things clearly? Or do I interpret the bible the way I want? Lots of questions to ask but sorry it's not the time for questions.

‘If only Mary were but known’.

There would be peace world over, souls would frequent heaven more freely, poverty would cease in the land of the rising sun and like in the wilderness the chosen people of the Most High would once again eat manna from heaven. If only Mary were but known sinners would frequent the Sacrament of confession, souls would be saved, life anagaga.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


By his death on the cross, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ obtained for mankind all that he could ever have done for us. All the merits of the sufferings and death of our Lord Jesus Christ he laid at the feet of Mary. At the foot of the cross St. Jn19:25-27 “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. 26 When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son. 27 After that he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her for his own”.

These merits of Jesus purchased for mankind by his death upon the cross, he placed at the feet of Mary and to distribute to man she gives to men as it pleases her, when it pleases her and in what quantity it pleases her says St. Louis Mariae de Montfort as she gives to man even unto those who do not acknowledge her as mother but are followers of Jesus for Jesus saith “if they are not against us they are for us”

Reading the story of St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous medal, we find the need to ask for grace at all times from Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All graces. Mary as wrote by another author was born Immaculate, she lived immaculate, died immaculate and was assumed body and soul to heaven immaculate. Jesus said that we should ask and we shall receive and so for us to receive grace we shall ask for it. Nothing good comes from man naturally as a result of the fall of satan and so every good we do in life is as a result of the grace of God which we receive through the maternal hands of Mary Immaculate Mediatrix of All graces.

During Our Lady’s visit to the young novitiate St. Catherine, as the story goes, rays of light emanated from the rings on the fingers of the Blessed Virgin Mary though some of the rings brought forth no light. St. Catherine inspired by the Holy Ghost who is ever present with, in and around the Blessed Virgin his beloveth spouse(that is what we mean when we say Mary is full of grace) asked the Blessed Virgin the meaning of the rays of light that emanated from the rings on her finger and Our Lady replied that it signifies graces of God which she gives to men. Again the young lady asked about the rings that emanated no light and Our Lady replied that they meant graces for which we have failed to ask for.

We need the grace of God to firmly have faith in the God whom we believe in. It takes the grace of God to live a life of prayer as a Christian. It takes the grace of God for a sick man to have faith that the God whom he serves, whom he has called upon in prayer for healing from bondage of illness has healed him. It takes the grace of God to do virtually everything just like it takes the grace of God for the writer to write.

In all these, this woman, a mere creature of God but whom it pleased God to abode in her womb for 9months, this woman who nursed the son of God and whom the Son of God was subject to for the first 30 years of his earthly life only to complete his earthly sojourn at 33. Jesus gave to Mary 30 years and 3 years to the world.

In all, this woman who walked along the way to Golgotha with her son and finally at the foot of the cross, all the graces of God obtained by Jesus on the cross of death he gave to her when he said “Mother behold thy son”(Mother of the Church) even as we see in Rev 12:17 And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Mary is the Mediatrix of All graces and we must go to Mary for all our spiritual and temporal needs because to Mary it has been given the grace of intercession and protection. Mary is the sweetest, dearest, nearest, most convinced way to Jesus Christ our Lord and Master.
FrancisMary Obidike